Why Dubai British School Jumeirah Park Foundation is great for your child

Discover a holistic approach at Dubai British School Jumeirah Park Foundation that celebrates every child’s unique journey and potential


PARTNER CONTENT: Dive into the world of Dubai British School Jumeirah Park Foundation where innovative play-based learning, relational teaching practices, and a vibrant community converge to nurture young minds in the Jumeirah Islands.

Dubai British School Jumeirah Park Foundation (DBF) stands as a beacon of high-quality early childhood education within the Taaleem Early Years framework, catering specifically to FS1 and FS2 children.

At DBF, the commitment to fostering young minds is built upon a distinctive blend of methodologies that prioritise play-based learning, relational practice, and a supportive community ethos.


Embracing The Playbased Approach


Central to DBF’s philosophy is a play-based approach aligned with the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework. This methodology empowers children to actively participate in their learning journey, nurturing their natural curiosity and interests while achieving critical developmental milestones through tailored, interest-based planning and continuous interactive engagements.


Harnessing The Power Of Play


Research underscores the profound impact of play on cognitive development. Dr Karyn Purvis highlights that play can accelerate learning by significantly reducing the number of repetitions needed to form new brain synapses, from 400 to just 10-20 repetitions. DBF integrates this understanding into its curriculum, creating dynamic and engaging environments where children thrive.


Educational Philosophy And Diversity


The school’s educational philosophy draws from esteemed methodologies such as Reggio Emilia, Montessori, forest school, and the curiosity approach. This eclectic blend ensures a rich and diverse educational experience that honours each child’s unique strengths and interests. Through a commitment to play-based learning, education at DBF becomes not just meaningful but also joyful, fostering a deep-rooted love for learning from an early age.


Empowering Through Interest-Based Planning


A cornerstone of the school’s approach is interest-based planning, which tailors learning experiences to each child’s passions and needs. By embedding characteristics of effective learning throughout our curriculum, we cultivate an educational environment that promotes deeper understanding and sustained enthusiasm.


Valuing Process Over Product


We prioritise the process of learning over the final product, encouraging exploration, critical thinking, and problem-solving. This approach nurtures resilience and a growth mindset among our young learners, supported by educators who scaffold their journey with care and guidance.


Building Strong Relationships


At DBF, relational practice forms the bedrock of our interactions with students. By fostering strong, trusting relationships, the school creates a secure environment where children feel valued and understood. This emotional security not only supports positive behaviour but also equips children with essential social skills for lifelong success.


Wellbeing As A Foundation


We prioritise the wellbeing of every student, using the Leuven scales to monitor their emotional and social development closely. This proactive approach ensures that each child feels secure and supported, laying a solid foundation for academic and personal growth.


Excellence In Teaching And Facilities


The school’s dedicated team of educators, all with bachelor’s degrees or higher, and specialists in performing arts, Arabic, and PE/swimming, ensure the highest standards of teaching. Our campus, nestled in the scenic Jumeirah Islands, offers state-of-the-art facilities designed to enrich learning experiences both indoors and outdoors.


A Vibrant Community


DBF is more than a school; it’s a vibrant community where families come together. Through its comprehensive transition programmes and community events, such as shows and assemblies, the school fosters a strong sense of belonging and support among students, parents, and educators alike. Dubai British School Jumeirah Park Foundation invites you to discover a nurturing, play-based approach to early childhood education where every child’s journey is celebrated, and their potential is nurtured with dedication and expertise.


For more information, visit Dubai British School Jumeirah Park Foundation

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