Challenge Family

Triathlons are no longer just for elite athletes, they are a family affair. Yalla sat down with the D’Othee family who competes as often as they can together.

Meet Alexia (mum), Juliette (14) and Thea D’Othee (12)


How long have you been competing in triathlons?

Juliette: I have been competing for seven years.

Thea: I have been competing for two years.


Why did you start competing?

Juliette: I really didn’t like other sports. So, when I was introduced to them back in Switzerland where we lived before, I loved it from the start for the variety.

Thea: I just kind of fell into the activity, because all my family was doing it, but I am so glad I followed along with them.


What’s the hardest part about doing a triathlon as a youngster?

Juliette: The hardest part for us is probably time management. We train every day, so it’s very hard to find time for school work and friends alongside our workouts, but our parents help us to prioritise so we find some balance.

Thea: The training requires such a commitment. For me, that’s the hardest part. We train every day, and almost never take a break. Every morning, we wake up and run five kilometres before school, then we cycle, swim, or run again after school.


What do you eat before you do the race? And, what’s your go-to meal when you are done?

Juliette: The night before the race, we eat a simple dinner of pasta, maybe salmon, and berries for dessert. The morning of the race, we eat dry cereal with blueberries with no milk, because milk is not very good for you before your workout.

Thea: After the race, we drink Rivella, a Swiss energy drink that we really like, but it’s hard to find here.


What’s next for you two? Would an Olympic triathlon be something you’d like to do or are you looking towards another challenge?

Juliette: For me, I would like to maybe compete in the ITU World Championships representing our native Belgium. This would be a dream come true for me.


What’s it like doing a triathlon with your sister and family? Are you competitive, supportive or some mixture of both?

Juliette: We are very supportive of each other, and the fact that we all do it together makes it easier to wake up early in the morning for training or in the evening after a long day at school.

Thea: It’s a little competitive too, as we all push ourselves for the best times.


What has been your favourite race and why?

Juliette: I can’t even count how many tris I have done at this point, but I know which one I like best. Our favourite race is the Daman World Triathlon Abu Dhabi on Yas Island. It’s such a family friendly event, and you get to mingle with elite athletes and get their autographs. It inspires me to watch the adult athletes and reminds me that I can’t give up because someday I hope to be just like them.

Thea: I agree. Yas Island is the best race. We love coming to Abu Dhabi for it every year.


Did they inspire you as much as they did the Yalla team? If so, come out and cheer the D’Othee family on at the Daman World Triathlon on Yas Island on 8-9 March, or grab your whole family and be like the D’Othee when you sign up to race! 

To learn more about the ITU World Triathlon event, click here.

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