Free Yoga and Sound Healing at Bodytree

Let’s celebrate the International Day of Yoga together at Bodytree Studio. 

Bodytree Studio International Yoga Day

The word ‘yoga’ in Sanskrit means to join or to unite, symbolizing the union of body and consciousness. The International Day of Yoga was launched in 2015 by the United Nations and is celebrated on 21 June from London to New York with the aim to raise awareness worldwide of the many benefits of practicing yoga. Bodytree Studio has created a program for the day full of fantastic yoga and health events, including a free 2-hour class with two celebrated instructors Joelle Beyrouhty and Sonia Carolina Gonzalez.

In this session together we will transcend the body through 108 guided sun salutations followed by a calming sound healing practice. There are many benefits to practicing 108 Sun Salutations. The series of movements warms up the body and activate Prana, the upward energy, to benefit you from cleansing, detoxifying, and gets you more in touch with yourself. 108 might sound like a lot, but the number has long been considered a sacred number in Hinduism and yoga. Traditionally, malas, or garlands of prayer beads, come as a string of 108 beads plus one for the “guru bead” around which the other 108 beads turn like the planets around the sun. The 21 June also marks the beginning of the summer solstice, a time when days get longer influencing our sun energy, which makes it a perfect time to practice sun salutations to honor our sun energy and relax completely to the healing frequencies of magical sounds.
In addition to this special free session Bodytree Studio has more to offer on the day, including Light Body Activation workshop with Neli, Lara and Sonia to activate the chakras and balance the body’s energies; and a whole day training for instructors and advanced practitioners with Emilie Mikulla: The Roll Model – Science of Rolling.

FREE Yoga and Sound Healing to Celebrate International Day of Yoga

Friday, 21 June | 5pm-7pm | FREE event


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About Bodytree

Bodytree is a boutique pilates, yoga and dance studio in the heart of Abu Dhabi and on Saadiyat, offering health & wellness services since 2007. Bodytree provides a holistic approach to exercise focusing on mind and body education in a supportive environment. Highly trained and experienced instructors deliver classes for young and old, men and women, beginners to advanced, as well as an extensive Children’s program in Dance and Music. The studio is a community centre for all where people can escape their hectic lives and work towards their wellness goals. Learn more at

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