NYUAD Arts Center, The Black Box | 13-15 Nov, at 8pm

Multimedia concert by visionary guitarist and composer

Hailed by Rolling Stone as “a genre unto herself,” guitarist, composer, and performance artist Kaki King presents DATA NOT FOUND — an immersive audiovisual journey featuring new music, projection mapping, and a host of new performative tools.

Watching Kaki King perform is like seeing guitar-playing for the first time. With both hands curling over her instrument’s neck, she hammers, plucks, strums, drums, and slaps at frets, strings, and body. The effect is of sculpting rather than of playing music.” – New York Magazine

Humans have been collecting data since the dawn of time, but in today’s world, data collection is not limited to academic study and record-keeping: it is omnipresent, powerful and increasingly controversial. How are we harnessing this power? How should we harness this power?

DATA NOT FOUND explores a broad range of contemporary issues, including artificial intelligence, the natural world, “big data” and personal empowerment, using her guitar as her proverbial magnifying glass. With direction by Annie Dorsen, whose works explore the intersection of algorithms and live performance,_ DATA NOT FOUND_ is an ongoing investigation and collaboration between a talented cast of performers, contributors, and researchers.

DATA NOT FOUND is a joint co-commission made possible by the The Arts Center at NYU Abu Dhabi; International Festival of Arts & Ideas, New Haven, CT; the Moss Arts Center at Virginia Tech; ARTS@TECH at Georgia Tech; and Krannert Center for the Performing Arts/University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Developmental support provided by MASS MoCA. Technical support provided by POTION Design. Co-Producers: Greg Kastelman and Vickie Starr.


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