Abu Dhabi launches news programme for aspiring sports coaches

Abu Dhabi Sports Coach Programme

The programme includes football, cycling, basketball and more.

If you want to pass on your passion and expertise in sports to the next generation, then listen up because Abu Dhabi has launched a brand-new coaching programme.


Covering 12 different sporting disciplines, The Abu Dhabi Sports Council (ADSC) organised initiative aims to provide licenses and certificates to 400 male and female coaches.

Open for both physical education teachers in government schools and private academies, the Coach training programme includes football, volleyball, basketball, handball, water sports, cycling, athletics, fencing, weightlifting, racket games, archery and judo.

The programme consists of four stages, the basic courses that include child safety, first aid, anti-doping, and optional classes such as kinesiology, physical preparation and nutrition.

The second stage includes specialised courses approved by the concerned authorities.

The third is a refresher course to enrich knowledge and continuity of learning, and the fourth and final stage is a practical experience in European clubs.



Speaking on the announcement, ADSC’s Executive Director of the Sports Development Sector, Talal Al Hashemi, said: ““Our goal is to develop and upgrade the training system and provide professional experiences that contribute to the preparation of specialised technical cadres with certificates and licenses.

“It will enable them to practice their profession in Abu Dhabi clubs, academies, public and private schools, according to the approved sports program.

“The programme comes within the sports council’s strategies to develop training cadres and enhance the base of professional work in Abu Dhabi clubs, schools and academies.”

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 Image source Unsplash

Matt Cassidy

When he is not hunting for the latest piece of Abu Dhabi news, Matt is ticking off his UAE bucket-list experiences (although he does love to take a break to test out the fine restaurants and bars of the capital). An armchair sports lover, he is on a personal mission to attend every sporting event in the UAE to make out for most likely missing the big one in Doha in November.