Venus and Saturn to light up the UAE sky this weekend

Venus 2023

And they’ll be visible to the naked eye!

We’ve all read about planets at some point in life. And while we may live on one, what if we told you that you can get a chance to actually see two planets this weekend.

Turn your eyes skyward as Saturn and Venus will be visible in the UAE skies on Sunday, 22 January.

For about an hour and a half after sunset, you will be able to see Jupiter and Venus – visible to the naked eye. That’s how close they will be!

You can also choose to see the planets through a telescope.

Easily Venus will appear to be a bright white, outshining Saturn which is going to be a dull yellow colour in the sky. Both planets are going to be close to each other with just 0.4 degrees distance between them.

The UAE is going to ‘Shine Bright Like a Diamond’ – exciting stuff!

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Image source Unsplash


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