Al Shindagha Days festival in Dubai showcases Emirati maritime heritage

Dhow Crusie In Dubai, Al Shindagha Days Festival Dubai, In Dubai, Festival In Dubai, Visit Dubai

You’ll even get to build a traditional boat and try your hand at traditional weaving

There’s another festival on the cards in Dubai and we can’t wait.

Al Shindagha Days is about to set sail on the high seas to give us all a peek into fascinating  Emirati maritime heritage.

Organised by the Culture and Arts Authority (Dubai Culture), Al Shindagha Days festival is set to explore how the sea impacts community life through a host of incredible heritage performances and interactive workshops.

Ever thought about building a traditional boat?

Now you can in one of the festival’s boat-building workshops.

Not only that, but you’ll also get to learn the intricacies of pearl diving and even get to try your hand at traditional weaving.

Also on deck are workshops that will teach you about sails, ropes, the making of ‘Gargour’ fishing nets and you’ll even get to try your hand at ‘Burga Making’.

You will also have a chance to compose your very own ‘Al Nahma’. An Al Nahham was tasked with singing and entertaining a boat’s crew during long voyages.

The secrets of making incense, Dukhoon and Henna will also be revealed.




Dhow Crusie In Dubai, Al Shindagha Days Festival Dubai, In Dubai, Festival In Dubai, Visit Dubai

There’s lot to do and see at Al Shindagha Days for the entire family with many of the activities and workshops being hands-on, which means you and the little ones will get to learn about traditional maritime skills of yore at a deeper level.


Nahma writing and performing


Learn to compose an ‘Al Nahma’ while learning about how sailors of yore entertained themselves on long voyages.


Sail and Paint


Unleash your creativity in the ‘Sail and Paint’ workshop.


Boat Tinkering


A great one for the kids who will learn and experience the art of boat making.

Sensory Fish Moulding


Let the little one’s imagination go deep when they learn about the local fish species living in the area.


Traditional Emirati games


Forget Monopoly, instead learn about some of the most traditional games such as ‘Al Gaheef’, ‘Al Karabi’, and ‘Al Dusays’.




Dhow Crusie In Dubai, Al Shindagha Days Festival Dubai, In Dubai, Festival In Dubai, Visit Dubai

There’s not long to wait as the much-awaited festival rolls out on 24 November 2023, until 3 December 2023.

Promising a diverse programme that includes cultural experiences, artistic performances, and heritage displays, depicting traditional life in Dubai, Al Shindagha Days, under the theme ‘Celebrating Our Culture of the Sea,’ promises waves of fun for the entire family also teaching you all about the Dubai’s Al Shindagha historic neighbourhood.

All aboard!



24 November 2023 to 3 December 2023


Al Shindagha Museum Dubai


For more arts and culture news, visit Yalla Dubai

Image source Pixabay, WAM

Derek Issacs

A Brit in the Middle East for 25 years and counting, Derek loves scouring the streets for those under-the-radar cultural gems. And when he’s not putting Yalla – Abu Dhabi magazine to bed, you’ll find him working out at the gym.