Creating the right environment is key at Blooming Buds Nursery

Blooming Buds Nursery

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At Blooming Buds Nursery, we understand how the environment plays a key role in supporting and extending children’s development and learning. This is why at Blooming Buds Nursery, we have made sure that not only our indoor area provides stimulation but also in our fantastic outdoor area. According to the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), the environment is described in terms of three aspects: the emotional environment, the indoor environment and the outdoor environment. When all three aspects are taken care of and carefully planned, children will bloom and prosper Blooming Buds Nurseryin a happy, secure and engaging environment.

Our outdoor area is designed and planned in such a way where children will continuously progress in all areas of learning. Our children have access to the outdoor space on a daily basis and certainly make the most of it in cooler weather. This allows them to move outdoors freely without many of the restrictions of being indoors, fill their lungs with fresh air and use their senses to appreciate the colours, different noises and the sense of space and scale. Being outdoors supports confidence and allows opportunities for big scale play, problem-solving and creativity in the company of other children. Physical activity is enhanced, as well as calculated risk taking. Outdoors, children’s use of language is five times greater than indoors.

Our resources are carefully chosen to fit each of our outdoor areas. Children have an option to play in Bloomsville, their very own village complete with different resources for each playhouse. The Music Station is a great area for children to explore sounds, patterns and the various noises they can make by tapping various objects. The Mud Kitchen, as well as our Sand Pit promotes sensory play as well as social and communication skills. Water Play is always a favourite for the children where they experiment with filling up and emptying jugs, measuring, and of course splashing. The two playgrounds support active learning where the children use their gross motor-skills to run, slide, climb, balance and negotiate their space.

For more information on Blooming Buds Nursery visit (02 491 8068).





Yalla Abu Dhabi