We Test Our Fitness Against THE TRIP at Inspire Gym

As the world’s first ever immersive club dedicated to ladies, Inspire Gym is revolutionising the fitness space for women in the UAE with THE TRIP. Arguably the most exhilarating cycling workout in the world, THE TRIP uses digital projection on cinema size screens to quite literally take you on a trip into an exciting virtual world- and Inspire Gym is the only place in Abu Dhabi where you can actually take part.

As a self-confessed spin-aholic, it’s safe to say that I was curious to say the least when we received an invite to try out THE TRIP, and I certainly had some doubts around how effective it would be as a workout. But how wrong I was! THE TRIP is by far one of the best fitness classes I have participated in, and I definitely worked hard until the end thanks to being completely and utterly engrossed by what was unravelling on the screen throughout the 40-minute session.

What is The Trip?

THE TRIP from Les Mills is an entirely new cycling experience that uses digital projection on cinema size screens. Climb the side of an impossibly steep glacier, chase futuristic riders, sprint across lava flows, or ride through a space age city- all just a normal workout when you’re part of THE TRIP.

The concept behind THE TRIP is much more than simply a great workout. It’s a complete sensory experience that combines entertainment and exercise, and the result is that you really do push yourself much harder in this class as you quickly forget that you are working out at all. You’re so totally engrossed in the scenes unravelling on the screen in front of you that the class is over before you know it- so much so that when the instructor tells us we’re more than halfway through the 40 minute session, we’re left feeling a bit disappointed instead of having the usual feeling of “when will this ever end” .

Hania Kuleib, COO, Inspire Gym said, ” We are excited about giving our members the chance to experience a brand new workout concept with the introduction of an immersive training studio, especially dedicated to women.”

"What's great about THE TRIP is that it creates a visual sense of purpose to your workout; by suspending belief, you stop thinking about the workout and automatically push yourself further."

About Inspire Gym

Inspire Gym opened it’s ladies-only facility in Abu Dhabi in March 2018, becoming the world’s first ever immersive club dedicated to women and revolutionising the fitness space for women in the UAE with the introduction of THE TRIP. But that’s not the only thing that we loved about Inspire Gym, far from it; There’s an extensive program of classes that take place in the main studio, including Zumba, body pump, and body combat, a gym with state-of-the art equipment, and plans to build a spa, pool, and indoor sports hall.

But one of the things we loved the most about Inspire Gym is the fact that this is very much a club for families, providing an opportunity for Mums and children to stay fit together. Not only is there a full timetable of kid’s classes that take place at the same time as the adult sessions, but there’s also a supervised children’s playroom and waiting area, meaning that you can enjoy your workout without the worry of what the kids are doing!

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