Cranleigh’s New Sixth Form Centre

If you’re considering Sixth Form for your teen in September, then the brand new Sixth Form centre at Cranleigh Abu Dhabi should definitely be on your list of places to look into, with the school’s main aim being to provide a stimulating and inspiring environment that will maximise academic achievement and prepare pupils for university or employment.

Undergraduate admissions teams have long complained that too many first-year students were ‘spoon fed’ at school, leading to worrying drop-out rates. Therefore, the new Sixth Form building at Cranleigh Abu Dhabi was designed specifically to facilitate their sixth form students and develop the skills needed to thrive at the world’s leading universities.

Matthew Ford, Acting Headmaster at Cranleigh explained that they are adamant that their Sixth Form not only focuses on achieving the best possible A Level grades, but their “ambition is much more than that”.  They ensure that students not only secure a place at their top university but are also prepared for their time there, which is fundamentally based on their use of the Harkness method.

Harkness is an approach in which pupils study independently outside of lessons, using class time to discuss their learning and to challenge and stimulate each other. Ideally, the teacher becomes an equal participant in peer discussion, facilitating rather than leading.

With its philosophy of treating Sixth Formers like young adults, preparing them for the next stages of their academic life, the school was clear that it needed a building to facilitate this. This has certainly been achieved. The 12 spacious Harkness teaching rooms look just like Board Rooms, with clean lines and oval tables. These are complemented by two further rooms equipped with top-of-the-range conference technology to allow for collaborative sessions with schools, universities, and businesses across the globe. The stylishly furnished recreational and work spaces are also more akin to a university or business environment. Completing the excellent facilities are large studios for Design Technology and Art, both planned specifically for a Sixth Form environment.

“Our parents have been impressed by the new facility” says Ford, “and rightly so. But as I remind them, the most important and compelling feature of the center is the style and caliber of teaching and learning going on within it.”

Yalla Abu Dhabi