International Women’s Day: Berklee College of Music alumni release music video

A teaser of the music video can be viewed on YouTube this International Women’s Day.

Two former students of Berklee College of Music have released today (8 March) their latest music video about female empowerment on International Women’s Day.

Shilpa Ananth, who teaches at Berklee Abu Dhabi, and Aleksandra Denda’s tune ‘i Dwell’ unleashes their rich, cultural roots as with intertwining Balkan and Indian roots as Hollywood-meets-Bollywood for a fist raising score.



Released on 17 February this year, the two artists say the seeds of the sing were planted some time before the pandemic when Ananth and Denda would meet up weekly for songwriting sessions.

The pair say the song carries an expression of trust, support, admiration and inspiration that the two artists hold for each other.

Having met each other at Berklee College of Music, the duo’s music journey has seen them perform on many stages in the USA including Carnegie Hall, MoMA museum and Kennedy Center and last year they featured on a Grammy nominated album ONA by Thana Alexa.


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Image source Aleksandra Denda website

Matt Cassidy

When he is not hunting for the latest piece of Abu Dhabi news, Matt is ticking off his UAE bucket-list experiences (although he does love to take a break to test out the fine restaurants and bars of the capital). An armchair sports lover, he is on a personal mission to attend every sporting event in the UAE to make out for most likely missing the big one in Doha in November.