5 MINUTES WITH: Mohamed Abdullateef, known as Lateef, a local basketball star

He currently plays for the UAE National team and Al Ahli Dubai Club in the UAE league

Team Yalla gets to meet the UAE sporting hero Mohamed Abdullateef, who has a successful career in finance while being a well-known sporting hero on the national basket ball team.

Not only that, but he’s also the man behind Drip Burgers, a successful burger outlet in Dubai.

I think we can all agree that Lateef is seriously drip.

So join us as we spend five minutes getting to know Mohamed Abdullateef.


Tell us a little bit about yourself


I’m Mohamed, a native of Dubai with a career in finance within the government. My days are a mix of crunching numbers, running Drip Burgers, and playing basketball, reflecting the city’s multifaceted nature. Growing up here has given me a front-row seat to its transformation into a cosmopolitan metropolis.


How has growing up in the UAE shaped your identity today?


Gowing up in Dubai has ingrained in me a blend of traditional values and a global perspective. It’s made me adaptable, open-minded, and appreciative of diverse cultures while remaining rooted in my own.


Can you share a pivotal moment or tradition that symbolises the essence of being born in the emirates for you?


A defining tradition for me is the gathering of family and friends during Ramadan. It reflects the communal spirit and generosity that is central to Emirati identity, something I carry with me in all aspects of life.

What is the biggest change in Dubai as you’ve grown up vs what it is today?


The biggest change is the surge in population from 1.5 million to 3.3 million, which brought about a remarkable expansion in infrastructure, like Dubai Mall becoming a landmark, and the geographic and cultural growth of the city.


⁠In what ways do you see the modernisation of Dubai impacting traditional values and lifestyles?


Modernisation has introduced a global cultural mix to Dubai, yet remarkably, the city has retained its cultural essence. It’s a harmonious balance where tradition coexists with modernity.


What is your favourite thing about the emirate and why?


The diversity of its people is my favourite aspect. Having friends from every continent is a unique life experience, fostering a sense of global community right here in Dubai.


⁠A myth about Dubai you would like to bust


A common myth is that Dubai’s rapid growth has overshadowed its traditions. In reality, Dubai has managed to preserve its cultural identity beautifully while welcoming people from around the world, allowing both residents and locals to thrive without cultural clashes.


To spend five minutes with more Dubai People, visit Yalla Dubai

Image source Drip Burger

Derek Issacs

A Brit in the Middle East for 25 years and counting, Derek loves scouring the streets for those under-the-radar cultural gems. And when he’s not putting Yalla – Abu Dhabi magazine to bed, you’ll find him working out at the gym.