5 MINUTES WITH: Bruno Agrela, General Manager at Novikov Café Dubai

Spend 5 minutes with Bruno Agrela, General Manager at Novikov Café Dubai as he shares more on his journey from the UK to UAE


With a sharp sense of humour and feet firmly rooted in family and community, Bruno Agrela, General Manager at Novikov Café Dubai is the latest addition to our growing Dubai People series.

In his own words, the move from UK to UAE came from the motivation to trade in raincoats for sunglasses. So what does running one of the busiest cafes in Dubai Mall entail?

Come spend 5 minutes finding out.


Tell us a little bit about yourself


I’m 39, originally from Portugal, but spent most of my life in the UK and currently navigating the wonderful chaos of life as the General Manager of Novikov Café Dubai. I have got a wonderful wife who keeps me in line and two kids who taught me that sleep is overrated and snacks are a currency.

My life’s a bit like running a restaurant: it’s full of surprises, requires constant problem-solving, and involves a lot of multitasking whether it’s balancing a busy shift or trying to convince my kids that bedtime is actually a good idea.


How and when did you move here to Dubai, and what inspired the move?


I moved to Dubai from London with my family at the end of 2021. The inspiration? Well, I thought that trading raincoats for sunglasses was a solid upgrade. Plus, we wanted our two daughters to grow up thinking that snow is something you see on TV.

So, we packed our bags and said goodbye to soggy weekends. But on a serious note, the decision was inspired by Dubai’s dynamic business environment and the incredible opportunities it offers. It is a place where ambition is encouraged and new ideas are always welcomed.


How has living in Dubai shaped your sense of belonging and community?


Living in Dubai has definitely shaped my sense of belonging mostly because my wife and two beautiful daughters make sure I am never lost or left in peace! Dubai’s became our playground, from weekend adventures at the beach to getting lost in the malls (and I mean really lost).

Also, Dubai has made me realise how much of a community you can find in your colleagues. My workmates are the ones who make the daily grind enjoyable. They are the ones who get all the inside jokes and it is what makes Dubai feel so welcoming and familiar.


Can you tell us about a particular person in Dubai who has had a significant impact on your life and why?


One thing I have noticed about Dubai is that it is filled with incredibly driven, business-minded people. Coming from the London market, where opportunities can often feel scarce and the competition is fierce, Dubai feels like a place brimming with potential and growth.

The people here have a strong drive for success and an entrepreneurial spirit that is truly inspiring and keeps us on our toes. It is this collective mindset that has had the biggest impact on me, pushing me to think bigger, work harder and embrace the endless possibilities that Dubai offers.


What is your favourite thing about the emirate and why?


Definitely the traffic jams. Where else can you catch up on all your podcasts, learn a new language and contemplate the meaning of life all while moving at 5 km/h.  But seriously speaking I would say it is the number of restaurants and coffee shops. Dubai’s dining scene is like the city itself—vibrant, diverse and constantly evolving.


A myth about Dubai that you would like to bust.


A myth I would love to bust? That everyone here drives a supercar. I mean, sure, there are Ferraris and Lamborghinis, but let’s be real most of us are just trying to parallel park our regular cars without hitting a curb!


Could you share a memorable moment when you felt the genuine warmth and hospitality of the Dubai community in your own life?


One of the most memorable aspects of living in Dubai is the incredible sense of security. You know you are in Dubai when you can leave your phone, and wallet on a café table, go shopping for an hour and come back to find everything exactly where you left it. No other city in the world makes you feel this safe or quite this spoiled!


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Image credit Bruno Agrela, Novikov Cafe Dubai

Caroline D’Almeida

A little bit of India, a little more of the UAE, and a lot of shawarma perhaps best captures Caroline’s anatomy. An avid believer in value for money, her hobbies include putting the ‘elite lifestyle’ to the test. And finding cheaper dupes for it all. A Sharjah girl new to the capital, she hopes to discover the pulse of the emirate.