5 MINUTES WITH: Sulin Sugathan, who was born and raised here in the UAE

Sulin Sugathan - President And Director Of Retail_Royal Furniture_Mr

One memorable moment that truly showcased the warmth and hospitality of the Dubai community

Dubai resident Sulin Sugathan was born and raised here in the UAE, which he says has allowed him to stay ahead of the game, especially in the ever-evolving world of tech and business.

The President and Director of Retail at Royal Furniture, a business that melds tradition with innovation, Sulin always had an itch for improvement and embracing change, which has pushed me to explore avenues for personal and professional growth.

Now it’s your turn to find out more about Sulin Sugathan.


Tell us a little bit about yourself


As a Director at Royal Furniture, I’ve been fortunate to work for a business that combines tradition with innovation and offers endless opportunities for growth. Joining our family’s legacy has allowed me to fuse my love for technology with our unwavering commitment to excellence.

Keeping pace with the latest tech trends has been both a personal passion and a professional imperative. By embracing cutting-edge technologies, we elevate our products, streamline operations, and ultimately elevate our customer experience.

My global travels have exposed me to diverse markets and innovative strategies, igniting my drive to implement fresh ideas and expand our horizons. With Royal Furniture’s boundless potential, I’m excited to chart new paths, explore untapped opportunities, and lead our company to greater success.


How and when did you move here, and what inspired the move?


I was born and raised right here in the UAE. Being born and bred in the UAE has been nothing short of amazing, especially with the constant whirlwind of changes happening around us. Here, it’s like innovation and progress are part of the air we breathe!

Growing up in this dynamic environment has fueled my determination to stay ahead of the game, especially in the ever-evolving world of tech and business. I’ve always had an itch for improvement and embracing change, which has pushed me to explore avenues for personal and professional growth.

Living here has given me a unique perspective on business and technology. It’s like living in a constant state of inspiration, always seeking fresh ideas and practices to elevate our company and bring more value to our customers.

How has living in Dubai shaped your sense of belonging and community?


Growing up in Dubai has deeply influenced my sense of belonging and camaraderie. Beyond just a city, Dubai has become my cherished home, renowned for its safety and warmth. It’s a place where I feel not just comfortable but truly embraced.

This sense of security and hospitality isn’t just a personal feeling; it’s woven into the city’s fabric. Dubai’s reputation as a haven extends far beyond its borders, attracting people from diverse backgrounds and making them feel at home.

This feeling of home isn’t confined to my personal life; it spills over into my professional endeavors, too. Inspired by Dubai’s inclusive spirit, I strive to cultivate a workplace where everyone feels valued and respected, fostering a true sense of belonging and community.

Living here has been an incredible journey, shaping my outlook on inclusivity, the importance of community, and the value of creating safe and welcoming spaces for all.


Can you tell us about a particular person in Dubai who has had a significant impact on your life and why?


One person who has profoundly impacted my life in Dubai is my father, Mr. Sugathan Janardhanan, the Chairman of Royal Group. His guidance, wisdom, and unwavering support have shaped my personal and professional journey.

My father, a visionary leader, has instilled in me the values of integrity, perseverance, and innovation. His entrepreneurial spirit and commitment to excellence have inspired me to strive for greatness and constantly pursue my passions with dedication.


What is your favourite thing about the emirate and why?


My favourite thing about Dubai is the unparalleled convenience it offers. Everything is available at the click of a button, making life incredibly efficient and enjoyable. Whether booking a restaurant or finding a new adventure, Dubai provides endless opportunities for convenience and comfort.

Moreover, Dubai’s dynamic environment presents a wealth of opportunities for growth and exploration. The city’s commitment to innovation and progress means there’s always something new and exciting to discover, whether in business or leisure.

Overall, Dubai’s convenience and opportunities make it a truly unique and inspiring place to live. It’s a city that constantly surprises and delights, and I feel incredibly fortunate to call it home.

A myth about Dubai that you would like to bust


One myth about Dubai is the idea that it’s too pricey to call home. While Dubai is undeniably luxurious, it’s also bursting with hidden gems and opportunities that often go unnoticed.

Living here isn’t just about lavish amenities; it’s about the wealth of opportunities for personal and professional growth. Dubai is like a melting pot of cultures and ideas, a place where learning and development thrive in unexpected ways. Plus, as a global business hub, Dubai’s strategic location opens doors to career prospects you won’t find elsewhere.

But wait, there’s more! Dubai’s government is all about making life here accessible to everyone. With initiatives like affordable housing and business-friendly tax incentives, they’re committed to creating a city where everyone can thrive. So, next time someone says Dubai is too pricey, remind them of the endless opportunities waiting to be seized here.


Could you share a memorable moment when you felt the genuine warmth and hospitality of the Dubai community in your own life?


One memorable moment that truly showcased the warmth and hospitality of the Dubai community was when I met with an accident in the desert years ago. I was badly injured, and people who witnessed the incident immediately rushed to help me. They stayed by my side, offering support and comfort until the medical emergency services arrived.

Their quick response and willingness to help in a time of need left a lasting impact on me. It highlighted the strong sense of community and compassion that defines Dubai. In moments of adversity, the people of Dubai don’t hesitate to come together and offer assistance, demonstrating a remarkable genuine care for others.


To read more about Dubai people, visit Yalla Dubai

Image source Sulin Sugathan

Derek Issacs

A Brit in the Middle East for 25 years and counting, Derek loves scouring the streets for those under-the-radar cultural gems. And when he’s not putting Yalla – Abu Dhabi magazine to bed, you’ll find him working out at the gym.