Cranleigh Abu Dhabi students score outstanding exam results

37% grade 9; 59% grades 8, 9; 75% 7 – 9.

GCSE and A Level students at Cranleigh Abu Dhabi have raised the bar for the third consecutive year, surpassing expectations and setting new records for the School.

Cranleigh Abu Dhabi’s GCSE pupils performed exceptionally well despite the disruptions of COVID -19, with 37% grade 9, 59% grades 8 and 9, and 75% 7 – 9.


Cranleigh Abu Dhabi


GCSE results 2019 2020 2021
No. of students in GCSE cohort: 35 64 105
% of exam entries graded 9 29 34 37
% of exam entries graded 8 – 9 50 57 59
% of exam entries graded 7 – 9 73 79 75
Overall pass rate 99 99 99


Michael Wilson, Principal of Cranleigh Abu Dhabi, applauding the students’ commitment and determination, said: “Our students have persevered, demonstrated adaptability and resilience to achieve the results that they deserve.

“As a group, these young men and women will have developed skills that few before them will have learnt at such a young age and now appreciate things that they had previously taken for granted.”

Although the pandemic disrupted study and exams, the success reflects Cranleigh Abu Dhabi’s commitment to a holistic approach to education that values confidence, creativity, and collaboration equally with academic success.

Damien Ward, Vice Principal, Academic, said: “Whilst the grades are strong, they only tell a fraction of the story; while coping with timetable restrictions these students have drawn on an extensive range of skills to maintain consistency to secure the grades needed to move onto the next phase of their education.

“My appreciation also goes out to all the staff who contributed countless hours to support the evidence gathering process.

“Their dedication underpins the success we enjoy as a School.”


Cranleigh Abu Dhabi Students Score Outstanding Exam Results


Delighted pupil Mona Faisal Merza Ahmed Al Hindi said her 2 Grade 9s, 4 Grade 8s, and 3 Grade 7s would not have been possible without such strong support.

She said: “When I received my results, I felt a huge sense of relief and pride as two years of hard work had paid off.

“My greatest memory is the sense of collaboration we built as a year group. It’s been a really difficult time, but we were all in it together.

“My Maths teacher also helped me gain confidence and I am now planning to take Maths A Level.”

The impressive GCSE results also mirror the brilliant performances of A Level students who received their grades last week with a record-breaking 49% A* grade, 70% A*A and 88% A* A B. The overall pass rate was 100%.

The Cranleigh Abu Dhabi A Level cohort have secured places at top universities worldwide, including Cambridge University, Brown University, King’s College London, MIT, Bath University and NYU Abu Dhabi across a wide range of subjects including Law, Physics and Astronomy, Chemical and Mechanical Engineering, Economics, Veterinary Science, Politics, and International Relations.

This year’s A Level results have exceeded previous years. A*/A pass rates have increased exponentially since 2019 and demonstrate the momentum of the Cranleigh Sixth Form.


Cranleigh Abu Dhabi


A Level results 2019 2020 2021
No. of students in GCSE No. of students in A level cohort: 13 26 35
% of exam entries graded A* 6 23 49
% of exam entries graded A* A 37 49 70
% of exam entries graded A* A B 64 73 88
Overall pass rate 100 100 100


Principal, Michael Wilson said: “I am thrilled that this year’s A Level results are reflective of probably the most talented cohort that I have come across in my teaching career.

“Students have worked incredibly hard, been resilient beyond their years and most importantly looked after each other and the School community as a whole.

“I could not be prouder, and I am certain they will make a positive impact wherever they go.”

Previous Head Boy, Jaiden Matharu, who achieved an A* in his Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) and 3 A* at A Level to secure his place at NYU Abu Dhabi, said: “The days leading up to results day were filled with nervous excitement.

“However, it wasn’t really about my grades; I worked the hardest I could and that is what I’m most proud of. I am grateful to all staff who aided me throughout my Sixth form experience, for helping me not only as an Economics student but also as a person. I am incredibly proud that I have been part of the Cranleigh community. Thank you!”

For more information about the School, visit Cranleigh Abu Dhabi


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