Exceptional A Level Results for Cranleigh Abu Dhabi

Cranleigh Abu Dhabi maintains its outstanding A Level results that are significantly higher than the UK National Average!

Cranleigh Abu Dhabi are celebrating a second year of outstanding A Level results with 23% of students achieving the top A* grade, 49% receiving an A* or A and 73% graded A*- B.  Over a quarter of students achieved 100% A and A*. Sixth Form students also performed well in the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ), with 68% achieving grades of an A* and A, and 95% achieving a B grade or above. The results were significantly higher than the UK National Average and on a par with top selective UK independent schools.

The Cranleigh Abu Dhabi A Level cohort has secured their desired places at top universities worldwide, including St Andrews University, UCL London, King’s College London, Concordia University, University of McGill and University of Virginia across a wide range of topics including Biomedical Engineering, Psychology, Electronic Engineering, International Politics, Economics, Film Production, Art & Design, Mathematics and Physics.

The 2020 A Level cohort is Cranleigh’s second group of A Level students and has exceeded last year’s excellent grades. Gains of up to 17% have been seen between the 2019 and 2020 results demonstrating the momentum of the Cranleigh Sixth Form in spite of the backdrop of school closures due to COVID-19 and the challenges of remote learning.  Cranleigh Abu Dhabi has maintained its strong academic results.


Cranleigh Abu Dhabi

A Level results

2019 2020
No. of students in A level cohort: 13 26
% of exam entries graded A* 6 23
% of exam entries graded A* A 37 49
% of exam entries graded A* A B 64 73
Overall pass rate 100 100


Principal Michael Wilson said, “Our A Level students have received grades that reflect their ability and the hard work that they put in during the past two years at Cranleigh. They are moving on to universities of their choice and are well prepared for the next stage of their education. A consistent demonstration of resilience and commitment has elevated this group of outstanding individuals despite the absence of the exam cycle motivation.  They have proven themselves to be strong leaders to the rest of the school community. We are hugely proud of this group of young men and women, and wish them the very best in their futures.”


Vice Principal (Academic) Damien Ward, said “It is encouraging to see our students have performed exceptionally well again in their A Level studies in the face of challenging learning circumstances. At Cranleigh, exam results are viewed as only one of the outcomes central to our measures of success. Our educational philosophy delivers a rich and diverse set of experiences and opportunities enabling students to develop key life skills as they move through the school. What these results prove is that this can be done without sacrificing academic excellence.

Students are already focusing on their futures and most have had their university places confirmed. Delighted student Esha Saigal took four A Levels gained A* and 3 A grades to secure her place at University of Virginia. Reflecting on her A Level experience she said “I’m definitely happy with the grades that I’ve received. Cranleigh has always placed a great emphasis on small class sizes and student teacher relationships, which I feel has led it’s students to success. Cranleigh’s intention has always been to develop us as holistic individuals. I’m heading over to the University of Virginia in the fall to study Global Studies, a course that combines history and international relations and I couldn’t be happier. Cranleigh allowed me the flexibility not only to choose what I wanted to study, but who I wanted to become, and that flexibility has definitely paid off in all of our results today”

Cranleigh Abu Dhabi Sixth Form which opened in 2017 has since doubled in numbers and continues to show the same growth trajectory for the coming academic year. Small class sizes and a university style of teaching offer an exceptional personalised learning environment that supports and motivates each individual. High academic standards as well as numerous bespoke training, work experience, internship and life skills opportunities (IRENA, Model UN, World Scholars Cup) ensure a balanced CV at the end of the school experience. Core and life skills are honed via weekly careers sessions and an extended, non-traditional work placement which runs from October to March each year, and sees students working with companies such as SAAB, NYU, Emirates Diplomatic Academy, Ramada Hotels group and PWC three hours per week for 20 weeks.

Cranleigh Abu Dhabi,  www.cranleigh.ae/


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