Discover delicious date this July at the Liwa Dates Festival

It is the 18th edition of the festival.  

The sweet, sticky fruit upon which many of us in Abu Dhabi gorge will be placed in the spotlight this July after the date for the Liwa Date Festival were announced.

Taking place in the heart of the date-growing country, Liwa City, the festival will see farmers showcase their crops of the fruit from 16 to 24 July.

A part of Abu Dhabi’s effort to promote the date palm as an integral symbol of Emirati heritage, the 18th edition of the festival is held under the patronage of Mansour bin Zayed and organsied by the Cultural Programs and Heritage Festivals Committee.




The festival is not the only exciting event to happen in the emirate this month with gamers having the chance to battle fellow players at Yas Gaming Month at Yas Mall as well as watch some of the best in the world at the Amazon University Esports Masters MENA Series.

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Matt Cassidy

When he is not hunting for the latest piece of Abu Dhabi news, Matt is ticking off his UAE bucket-list experiences (although he does love to take a break to test out the fine restaurants and bars of the capital). An armchair sports lover, he is on a personal mission to attend every sporting event in the UAE to make out for most likely missing the big one in Doha in November.