Irish music star set for Dubai concert

Ryan McMullan

As Dubai concerts go, this one is set to capture the hearts of the Irish community in the region

One of Irish music’s rising stars has been announced for a once-off concert at the Wafi Amphitheatre in Dubai on Saturday, 4 May.

McCafferty’s Irish Pubs presents a fantastic night of entertainment with Irish singer-songwriter Ryan McMullan.

In the varied landscape of contemporary music, Ryan stands out as a rare gem, his talent a sparkling addition to the scene.

Hailing from the picturesque town of Portaferry, this 25-year-old singer-songwriter possesses a voice that is both raw and rich with storytelling, reminiscent of legends like Paolo Nutini and early Tom Waits.

Despite his youth, McMullan’s ability to convey emotion and narrative is unparalleled. He has honed his craft through years of performing in small venues, earning him a dedicated following and opportunities to support renowned artists such as Foy Vance and NEEDTOBREATHE.

With the recent release of his debut EP Listen, McMullan’s musical prowess has garnered widespread acclaim, further solidifying his status as an emerging talent to watch.

The Irish heartthrob is currently touring Australia, but he will arrive in Dubai on 4 May for a night under the stars.

Doors open at 6pm McCafferty’s Wafi and support from Conleth McGeary with more acts to be announced.

For further information, visit McCafferty’s JVC



4 May


Waif Amphitheatre, Dubai


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Image credit Ryan McMullan Instagram

Shane Reynolds