Tchaikovsky’s Sleeping Beauty is heading to Dubai

Showing for acts only

It’s a family affair as Sleeping Beauty, Moscow Ballet “La Classique”, dances its way into Dubai on 2-3 June 2023 at Dubai Opera.

Expect a spectacular evening of ballet, with Tchaikovsky’s fantastically popular score, Sleeping Beauty.

La Classique was founded in 1990 by its current artistic director Elik Melikov. With its ballet mastery, lavish costumes, and magnificent stage sets, the illustrious La Classique will take you on a mystical journey to the fairytale world of princess Aurora the Sleeping Beauty.

The story goes that in a distant kingdom the birth of a beautiful princess whom they named ‘Aurora’ was celebrated. The evil fairy ‘Carabosse’ casts a spell on the princess, meaning she will die from a needle prick. The king banishes all knitting needles from the kingdom.

On her 16th birthday, she pricks her finger on a needle hidden in a bouquet presented to her by the disguised Carabosse. She falls into a deep sleep. Prince ‘Desiree’ encounters the Lilac Fairy, where he finds the princess of his dream, Princess Aurora, the Sleeping Beauty, and kisses her gently back to life.

This is something that you do not want to miss as this two-act fairytale performance La Classique captures the imagination, the passion and the magic of the fantastic Sleeping Beauty.


2-3 June 2023


Dubai Opera


For more information and tickets, go to 

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Image source Moscow Ballet

Derek Issacs

A Brit in the Middle East for 25 years and counting, Derek loves scouring the streets for those under-the-radar cultural gems. And when he’s not putting Yalla – Abu Dhabi magazine to bed, you’ll find him working out at the gym.