There’s a zero-waste dinner heading to Dubai and it’s full of taste

The dinner is part of Dubai Festival taking place this May

Just when you thought you had eaten enough over the Eid festivities, Dubai just can’t stop giving with its food offerings galore… and we’re not complaining!

And for those who like to dine with sustainable dining in mind, our friends over at W Dubai – Mina Seyahi are set to host a zero-waste dinner during Dubai Food Festival week.

Hosted by Ginger Moon, the sustainable event, taking place on Thursday 4 May, 2023, will showcase the W Dubai – Mina Seyahi’s commitment to sustainable practices and eco-friendly dining initiatives, without, of course, compromising on taste.

The delectable five-course menu and beverage pairing has been crafted by Chef Daniele Marcellini using sustainable cooking methods that minimise waste while reducing carbon footprint.

The rather tast sounding menu menu reduces food waste by using every element of the product in each dish.


W Dubai - Mina Seyahi


Expect to tuck into Ugly Beets Cannelloni, a local red beetroot cannelloni and goat’s cheese emulsion beetroot broth, repurposing the water the beets were cooked into a reduction to a glaze and then used for its pairing drink. The goat’s cheese skins are used for the emulsion and the green oil is made by the leaves of the beetroot.

In-season produce such as deep-fried baby artichoke globe, pecorino and parmesan fondue will be on the menu with the culinary team handing over the crust of the cheese, which is then used for the drink taco, along with sustainably sourced greenhouse heirloom cherry tomatoes, that supports local farmers, and reduces CO2 through transportation efforts.

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Named 90% Tomato, this dish will be creatively transformed into a white tomato jelly, with cheese curd, and basil oil made from basil stems.

The leftover tomato skins are used for its companion drink 10% tomato, 90 smashed, no waste needed ethos tomato cordial.

The Mina Seyahi resort recently celebrated its commitment and investment to its sustainability efforts with an inauguration of its state-of-the-art, on-site BiG 1500 bottling plant. The plant can produce 1,500 filtered bottles of water and will eliminate 1000+ tons of carbon emissions and 1.5 million single use plastic bottles a year from the complex.

Ginger Moon’s zero-waste dinner event is a must-attend for foodies, eco-conscious individuals, and anyone looking to enjoy a delicious meal while promoting sustainability.

The evening starts from 7pm onwards, and packages start from AED 365 for food only and AED 595 including beverage. Limited seats are available, and people are encouraged to book early to secure their spot at this exclusive event.



4 May


W Dubai – Mina Seyahi


For more food and drink offerings, head to Yalla Dubai

Image source W Dubai – Mina Seyahi



Derek Issacs

A Brit in the Middle East for 25 years and counting, Derek loves scouring the streets for those under-the-radar cultural gems. And when he’s not putting Yalla – Abu Dhabi magazine to bed, you’ll find him working out at the gym.