Louvre Abu Dhabi: Court dances of the Royal Palace of Yogyakarta


Auditorium Plaza, Louvre Abu Dhabi

2-3 February

The Court dances of the Royal Palace of Yogyakarta will perform a slow-paced elegant dance that combines Indian, Islamic and Indonesian touches dating back as far as the 7th century. The palace or kraton of Yogyakarta is the cultural heart of the city. From generation to generation, the Sultans of Yogja are the traditional governors of the city and responsible for passing on art and cultural heritage. The entire royal family is involved in preserving these art forms and the troupe must perform with a member of the royal family present. The dances from Yogyakarta will be accompanied by gamelan music, native of Java.

Tickets for the performance costs 105 AED for visitors and 84 AED for Louvre Abu Dhabi Art Club Members and for children under the age 13 (both inclusive of VAT).

Yalla Abu Dhabi