INTERVIEW: Troon Golf Clubs Abu Dhabi’s Executive Chef Rasika Nuwan Jayawickrama

From Sri Lanka to Abu Dhabi, this guy knows how to create a menu that appeals to all.

Team Yalla met the affable Executive Chef Rasika Nuwan Jayawickrama when we recently dined at Hawksbill Restaurant, Saadiyat Beach Golf Club. Read our review here.

The menu at The Hawksbill is eclectic, with dishes from around the world. And as Chef Rasika explained, the dishes are healthy and cooked to order.

“Our menu is about health too. We have eight vegan dishes on the menu and we will increase them in the coming months,” he says.


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Chef Rasika is a mind of information with years of culinary experience at hotels and restaurants from around the world.  So, we wanted to find out more…


Name, title, nationality

Rasika Nuwan Jayawickrama, Executive Chef at Troon Golf Clubs Abu Dhabi, Sri Lankan


Length of time as a chef

19 years, 10 of which have been with Troon


How often do you curate a new menu?

Twice yearly.


Why did you choose these dishes for your latest menu?

Client diversification – they are from all around the world, so it appeals for all the palettes.


What profession would you be in if you weren’t a chef?

I dreamt of being an engineer when I was young.


Will we see Sri Lankan dishes on the menu soon?

They are already on the menu at Abu Dhabi Golf Club and Yas Links. We will serve them at Hawksbill soon.


Your favourite cuisine?

Italian. I love pasta but like to fuse it with curry.  I once worked with five Italian chefs so got lots of expertise from them.

For reservations at Hakwsbill Restaurant, call 056 660 8780 or visit

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