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As temperatures rise it is important to remember to be AWARE of the HEAT and practice heat awareness:
Help yourself to stay safe by thinking HEAT.
H – Hydrate – Remember to drink plenty of fluids. Don’t wait to feel thirsty. It is best to stick to water and avoid alcohol and very sugary drinks. Remember to remind those about you to drink plenty
E – Educate – check the weather forecast if you are planning to do an activity outdoors. Also remind yourself of the symptoms of heat illness and its first aid treatment
A – Act quickly if someone shows signs of heat illness – rapid pulse, cramps, red skin, heavy sweating, dizziness, nausea, vomiting or confusion. Get them to medical help while cooling them with fans and cool drinks if conscious
T – Take it easy, moderate exercise in the heat, avoid over exertion, stick to the shade and take frequent breaks in the cool.

When you leave your car check to make sure that you are not leaving any children, elderly people or pets in the car – not even if all the windows are partially open.
Never leave anyone in the car if the temperature is over 20 degrees celsius, not for a moment. (Not for a quick errand. Not if the car is in the shade. Not if there is a breeze.)
The car acts just like a greenhouse; heats gets in but cannot get out. The temperature will rapidly climb even on a relatively cool day and with temperatures of 35 degrees celsius outside, within 15 minutes, the car can feel like an oven at 50 degrees celsius.
Babies, the elderly and animals struggle to cool their body temperature down. Every year deaths occur from heat related conditions.
So always remember to stay safe and keep your kids, elderly family members and pets safe.
Remember: Look before you lock the car.
For more information on King’s College Hospital London, visit http://www.kchclinics.com/