Crompton Partners’ Guide to Buying Property in Abu Dhabi

Guide to Buying Property in Abu Dhabi

Abu Dhabi Law 19 of 2005 did two things; firstly, it allowed Emiratis to buy and sell land which had not been allowed previously, and secondly, it created the notion of “Investment Areas”, in which property can be “owned” by non-UAE Nationals.

If you are looking to invest in your own property in Abu Dhabi, there are a variety of options available, but currently there are limitations that it is important to be aware of. To help, Crompton Partners Estate Agents have put together a handy “Guide to Buying Property in Abu Dhabi”, which covers everything you need to know, including who can buy property and where, residency and visas, and bank financing and mortgages.

Click below to view the full guide:

A Guide to Buying Property in Abu Dhabi

Yalla Abu Dhabi