How to Stay on Track with Exercise During Ramadan

The month of Ramadan presents some obvious obstacles in maintaining your usual exercise regime, leaving a lot of people concerned about their ability to stay on track towards their fitness goals- though that doesn’t need to be the case.

How to Stay on Track with Exercise During Ramadan

“The most important thing during Ramadan is to maintain an element of flexibility- be prepared to restructure your normal work-out routine,” Maria Ingliss, Partner & Co-Owner at Advantage Sports UAE.

When is the Best Time to Train?

Depending on your day to day to schedule, there are typically three optimal options:

  1. Train shortly after suhoor (just after sunrise)
  2. Train shortly after iftar (break your fast with a small snack first)
  3. Train as early in the day as possible after suhoor

Reduce Your Training Volume

The lack of food and water will have a direct impact on your ability to perform at your best, so the simplest way to overcome this is to set yourself a smaller target during each Ramadan fitness session.

“If you’d usually complete 4 sets of an exercise, drop this down to 2 instead, or work out for 5 minutes instead of 15, for instance,” explains Maria

Yalla Abu Dhabi