How to Structure Your Diet During Ramadan

To make sure that you stay on track with your health and wellbeing goals this month, Maria Ingliss from Advantage Sports UAE shares her advice on how to structure your diet during Ramadan. You can also read Maria’s feature about how best to maintain your exercise routine during the Holy Month here to maximise your fitness and keep working towards your goals.

“Many people use intermittent fasting in their usual dieting plans, so there is no reason why you can’t actually improve your health during Ramadan. The most important thing is to be mindful of what you are eating when you break your fast.”

How to structure your diet during Ramadan

Drink the right amount of water

Avoid trying to ‘stock up’ on water. “Water is a diuretic, so the more you consume, the more you lose – this means that by over-consuming water at times that you can, you dehydrate yourself further by making more bathroom trips”. Keep your intake of water at a normal rate for you and simply add a touch of good quality rock salt to your food.

Eat slow release proteins

Protein is the food source that will keep you feeling fuller and more energised for longer. By helping to maintain balanced blood sugar levels, protein also helps to lessen the impact of the inevitable dip in energy levels that you will feel whilst you are fasting.

Avoid excessive carbohydrates

Traditional Ramadan meals are often heavy in carbohydrates, but simply adding more protein and healthy fats to these will help to slow down digestion and avoid excessive rises in blood sugar.

“Carbohydrates are your body's main energy source, but they can work against your energy levels. Simple carbohydrates cause your blood sugar to spike more rapidly than slower-moving complex carbohydrates like whole grains and starchy vegetables. The rapid spike after eating simple carbohydrates can cause your blood sugar to plummet back down, leaving you feeling tired.”

Get enough sleep

“Sleep is your secret dietary supplement – a lack of it will lead you feeling tired, grumpy, hungry, and unable to exercise” says Maria. Though your sleep pattern will naturally be disrupted during Ramadan it’s important to still get enough time in the land of nod to allow your body to rest, recover, and repair.

Be mindful of your calorie intake

Fasting is a great way to reduce the overall amount of calories you consume in a day, but don’t be under the illusion that you can eat whatever you like when you break your fast.

Yalla Abu Dhabi