Keeping Kids Safe Online

Keeping our kids safe online is something as parents we all stress over.  While there is some amazing content out there for learning and development there are some areas of the internet that are very dark and dangerous.

internet safety

What can parents do?

  • Spend time together playing their games or watching content to get an understanding of what they are doing online.
  • Set boundaries and explain what is good and bad on the internet.
  • Discuss what is age appropriate and how they can be safe online.
  • Tell them how to block someone or report abusive action.
  • Talk about what is private information and what not to share online.
  • Sit down as a family and write a contract together.
  • Agree what times they are allowed on their devices.
  • Talk to older kids about how you will respect their privacy but how they have to uphold that side of the bargain.
  • Lead by example – switch off at meal times and have tech free days.

An App that we like in the Yalla office is OurPact which helps parent’s manage screen time and content. You can monitor what they are downloading, manually manage their access and set up a screen time allowance.  It is available for both Android, iPad and iPhones and has free and paid options.

Yalla Abu Dhabi