Life in the Sixth Form at Brighton College Abu Dhabi

brighton college

The Sixth Form at Brighton College Abu Dhabi is well-established and highly successful, gaining the best A level results in the Emirate for the last couple of years but, more importantly, enabling pupils to gain places at some of the best universities in the world, including Oxford, Harvard, Toronto and many others.

An academic powerhouse, however, should not be an academic hothouse. Brighton ensures the ethos that informs the whole College to continue in the Sixth Form, in which co-curricular activities such as music, drama and sports are offered to all. Participation in at least something that goes beyond the purely academic is expected of everyone. There are many leadership opportunities too and many occasions on which debating and public speaking take place, providing pupils with the confidence and well-rounded attitude that stands them in such good stead when it comes to interviews, both for university and future employment.

Brighton’s approach is to find the latent talent in all students by giving them a wide variety of opportunities and then using their expertise to foster such talent. The A level choice on offer, twenty-four options, is extremely wide-ranging, meaning that all pupils can find something they can genuinely be enthusiastic about. Bespoke university and careers advice then guides them towards the right choices for their future success and happiness.

Many of the most important qualities about any great school though are immeasurable and intangible and Brighton College Abu Dhabi is no exception in this regard. The friendly and welcoming nature of the school’s students and staff, and the kindness that suffuses all of their endeavours are central to their success, conveying a resilience and positivity that will stay with the students for the rest of their lives.

We strongly recommend you come and see for yourself!

To find out more, click here or call +971 (0)2 815 6504.

Yalla Abu Dhabi