Let us share your Mother’s Day message

Let us share your Mother's Day message

Tell us your Mother's Day message for your chance to win a beautiful bouquet of flowers for your Mum

We want to help spread the Mother’s Day love this year by sharing your messages to your Mum. It could be a note to tell her how much she means to you, a poem about what makes her so special, or your favourite photo of you together. However you want to tell your Mum how much you love her, let us share your special message.

We’ll post each of your messages on our dedicated Mother’s Day page, and even better, we’ll select two lucky winners to receive a very special bouquet of flowers for their Mum on Mother’s Day, courtesy of Espoir Flower Boutique and Bliss Flower Boutique.

All you have to do is email us your message to [email protected], and tell us which day you will be celebrating Mother’s Day- on Sunday March 11 or Wednesday March 11.

Your Mother's Day messages...

Love from Shafaq

The great bond that a mother and daughter share is indescribable! My mother has made me the kind of person that I am today, instilling in me values that I am proud of and plan on passing onto my daughter someday, hoping that this legacy of ours continues it’s fine journey.

Here is my special poem for her:

Mum, I love you so much
Nothing can change how I feel
This love is so beautiful and pure
I think it helps me heal
It is all I think about
When I sleep or when I have my meal
It will always keep us together 
Just like a seal
Mum our bond is special
It’s the best deal

Love from Laveena

My message is in the form of poetry to my Mom: 
You make the sun shine on a cloudy day,
When I’m sick you kiss the pain away,
Your tender voice took away my fears,
Your hand that wiped away my tears,
The love you give so honest and pure,
Keeping me forever safe and secure,
You make flowers bloom in the spring,
It was you who fixed my broken wing,
Mom, because of you I now know love,
My guardian angel from above,
Love you Mom x

Love from Raven

You are not only my mother, you are my best friend. You make me laugh when I am sad, and smile through the tears. Over the years you have provided me infinite wisdom, love and laughter. You are a role model, and inspire me every day to be better, kinder, and more generous. Thank you for all that you do, not only for me, but for everyone’s lives you’ve touched. You are a star and I love you to the moon and back!

Love from Sherille

Here’s a poem I wrote for my dearest mother.

I’m grateful to have my mother who
loves me without boundaries, without conditions and without limitations.
She embraces and comforts me when I’m into difficult situations. 
She watches my every milestone, and guides me every step of the way.
She lifts me up whenever I fall, and wipes my tears away.

I love my mom because she gave me everything I need in life.
She reared me to be a good person, and has inspired me to be an amazing mom and a loving wife.
She deserves all the best that life has to offer.
And I salute her for being the best MOM ever!

I love you, mom with all my heart!

Love from Samar

My Grandma…
She’s more than lovely character in my life 
She’s strong woman, mom for 9 childres in past, husband dead when kids have ages under 12 years old, hers story can’t forget it , every night my mom before sleeping was told us about grandma 
 All people when know her love to see her more and speck with her
Every Friday should be all family ( 18 adults and 32 kids) should be come together at big home ( grandma home) that’s name ( family grand home) to spend our fantastic time together.
She give me big gift in my life that’s ( my mother)
Can’t forget you my grandma 
Last time I see her when I bring my first baby girl from 8 years 
Can’t forget when she catch my daughter on her leg and kiss her then look to me to said for me last words I heard it from her ( Samar learn your daughter love, learn daughter become strong mother)
My grandma now dead but she’s life in our hearts
Let us share your Mother's Day message

Yalla Abu Dhabi