Sleep Problems in Children Might Have a Simple Cause


If your child suffers from snoring or has trouble sleeping, he or she might be suffering from an allergy that affects many children in the region, says Dr. Hani Rifai (Specialist, Otolaryngology, Pediatric Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT)) at HealthPlus Children’s Specialty Center and Danat Al Emarat Hospital for Women & Children.

Although a common problem in childhood and adolescence, allergies are widely under-diagnosed and may reduce sleep quality, which can lead to poor concentration and affect school attendance and performance if uncontrolled.

Presentation of such an allergy varies among children but the most common symptoms to look out for are a runny or itchy nose that doesn’t clear up, sniffling, sneezing, mouth breathing, snoring, coughing, a recurring ear infection, and sometimes reduced hearing.

“One of the most surprising allergens to my patients is the date palm,” says Dr. Hani. “Not many people know that this common tree has such a high pollen count, and this time of year, it causes irritation to a large percentage of the population, and, to some, it’s highly allergenic.”

“Our team at HealthPlus Children’s Specialty Center can identify the offending allergen by performing blood tests. Upon receiving the results, the doctor will advise the patient on how to avoid such allergens by taking simple measures,” Dr. Hani adds most children can be treated medically, however, in some instances, children may need to be treated surgically.”

Taking early action when children express such symptoms will prevent further complications. A proper diagnosis, via allergy testing and treatment, is a must to improve your child’s condition.


You can visit Dr. Hani Rifai at Health Plus Children’s Specialty Center. Arrange an appointment by calling 02 658 2221 or visit for more information.

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