Let the learning continue from the comfort of home with these great picks.

If 2020 was the year for staying at home, then 2021 is not much different. However, for ‘armchair globetrotters’ technology is saving the day, explains Carfax Education Humanities tutor, Lydia Fischer Dooley.
The pandemic has thrown up unique ways to travel from the comfort of our own homes. Museums and art institutions across the world have also recognised the need for connection and have found virtual, 21st century ways to continue inviting visitors through their doors.
This list of five such far-flung destinations and museums can be accessed virtually, to allow you and your children to continue expanding their horizons and remain connected with the external world.
Museum of Flight
The aviation industry has taken a significant hit in the last year past few months, with borders closing and holidays denied. This is where Seattle’s Museum of Flight comes in to save the day! Founded in 1965, the museum offers an insight into the development of aviation and even space travel throughout the 20th and 21st century. With over 175 different types of aircraft and spacecraft in the museum, visitors are invited to enjoy this collection online with virtual tours of the museum and the various aircraft in the collection. You can also engage in several online lessons related to virtual space missions and spacesuit science..
It also helps to make people grateful for the many blessings they take for granted and reminds them of the need to be charitable and to treat all people as they themselves would wish to be treated.
Find out more by visiting museumofflight.org/Explore-The-Museum/Virtual-Museum-Online.
Auckland War Memorial Museum
Head to New Zealand to explore Auckland’s premiere museum. An island often overlooked on standard maps, much to the chagrin of many New Zealanders, the Auckland War Memorial Museum offers an insight, through virtual tours, into the history of the region, with a focus on Maori history and the cultural contributions of the Pacific peoples.
Find out more by visiting aucklandmuseum.com/your-museum/at-home/virtual-tours
Google Arts & Culture App
A great application for Arts connoisseurs and novices alike, Google App Arts & Culture allows users to virtually select and explore museums and Arts institutes across the world. With interactive games and informative interfaces, the app brings the world’s Arts to you, one museum at a time. From Mexico City’s Museo Frida Kahlo to Ghana’s contemporary Art Museum Nubuke Foundation, and right across to the National Museum of Mongolia in Ulaanbaatar, the Google’s Arts and Culture application, offers people the opportunity to expand their horizons, visit far-flung places and engage with global artists.
Find out more by visiting artsandculture.google.com/partner
Faroe Islands
The Visit Faroe Islands from Home venture offers an everyday insight into the culture of the local people. The tourist board has collated music by local artists, Faroese artworks and literature, traditional Faroese recipes, virtual tours of the islands and other delights, such as how to knit a traditional Faroese sweater.
Find out more by visiting faroeislands.com/see-do/visit-faroe-islands-from-home/
Vatican Museum
The fine folks of the Vatican Museum have graciously presented the public with virtual tours of famous landmarks within this microstate, such as the Sistine Chapel, Raphael’s Rooms and the Vatican’s awestriking library. Wander through the heavily decorated surroundings of the Vatican, absorbing the beauty of the past through thoroughly virtual, 21st century means.
Find out more by visiting museivaticani.va/content/museivaticani/en/collezioni/musei/tour- -elenco.htm
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