Introducing Artworks

Calling all artists! If you are an artist who is keen to hone their skills, there’s always an easel open at Manarat Al Saadiyat. Here’s what you need to know about Artworks.

The Manarat Al Saadiyat leads the field in terms of providing ample spaces and materials for artists of all stripes to explore their talent. Now, there’s a Teaching Artist Residency Programme called ArtWorks where professional artists can explore their craft in a creative and supportive setting.

Artworks was established in 2013 to develop a cadre of teaching artists that can practice and work in museums, arts centres, and schools in the capital. The programme team works closely with local universities and institutions abroad to identify recent graduates with strong skills in the arts and that have an interest in teaching. The mission of the residency is to provide UAE-based emerging artists with internship opportunities, mentorship, and potential employment.

Artists work alongside a group of experienced arts educators and have access to a large network of local artists. As part of the residency, selected artists will have the unique opportunity to set up a dedicated, fully equipped studio space in a vibrant arts community hub.


If you are interested in learning how to turn your creativity into a profession and learn from our team of arts educators how to teach classes and workshops, visit the museum’s website at



Jeanne Blissett-Robertson (1993) is an English artist born and raised in Brighton. She received a degree in sculpture and environmental art from the Glasgow School of Art in 2015 and has since continued practicing as an artist internationally through residencies, as well as gaining experience in an architectural lighting design company in London. Fascinated by the growing contrast between the natural world and human impact upon it, Jeanne challenges our notions about what is “natural,” “supernatural,” and “artificial” in our present day. Jeanne’s work is characterised by multi-media installations that weave together ornamental process-based sculptures, digital print and architecturally inspired structures. Jeanne has had solo exhibitions all around her native UK and as far away at Mexico prior to coming to Abu Dhabi.

Visit Manarat Al Saadiyat on 26 February to attend the opening night of Jeanne’s solo exhibition, The Border is Porous, which runs through 5 March.

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