Kid Koala & A Mosquito Love Story

If the name’s not familiar, you might be a fan of Kid Koala and not even know it. The renowned Canadian DJ is bringing his talent for scratch back to NYUAD Art Center 12-13 March

Kid Koala has been to Abu Dhabi before, performing at NYUAD Art Center and this March he returns, performing his latest project, The Storyville Mosquito. Kid Koala first gained recognition as a scratch DJ in the early 2000s and has collaborated with the likes of The Gorillaz, Bjork, The Beastie Boys and has scored Hollywood movies, such as Shaun of the Dead, Looper, and The Great Gatsby. If his star power sounds intriguing, come check out The Storyville Mosquito, a live puppet show he is bringing to Abu Dhabi

The Storyville Mosquito tells the story of a country mosquito who dreams of moving to the city and becoming a jazz clarinetist. Like his 2014 show Nufonia Must Fall, Kid Koala’s upcoming production Storyville Mosquito will blend puppetry, miniature sets, multiple cameras, projection, and live musical performance to tell a universal story.


Bill Bragin, Executive Artistic Director of The Arts Center at NYU Abu Dhabi says, ‘Kid Koala’s first live film puppet theater piece Nufonia Must Fall was a huge hit with our audiences a few seasons ago. When we heard he was developing The Storyville Mosquito with the same approach but brand-new stories and visual world, we immediately signed into co-commission the creation of the piece. His work is almost like modern day Charlie Chaplin. Genius in conception and execution, heartwarming and accessible to the entire family. Kid Koala is also incredibly inventive and approachable, whether he’s visiting university classes or leading creative workshops’.


Yalla caught up with tour manager, Brian Neuman, to learn about the multimedia performance.


How did Kid Koala come about?


I was born and live in Canada but work all over the world.  I mainly do work in music, comics, video games, and film scores, but the show we are touring now The Storyville Mosquito is kind of a hybrid theatre, cinema, puppet show, and turntable concert—it combines all my favourite universes in one show.


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Where did the name come from?


Kid Koala was a nickname given to me when I started scratching records.


What was the first instrument you learned how to play, or have you always been a DJ?


I started studying/playing classical piano from age 4.  I started scratching records from age 12.

  1. What did you study to be if something other than a musician?


I’ve always loved to draw and make music.  When I was 17, my dream was to work in music, animation or at The Muppet Show.  But my mother thought it would be more pragmatic to get a degree in something with a clear job description.  So I went to university to study elementary education.  I learned a lot during my studies and also continued to make music in my free time.  Shortly after graduating, I signed my first record contract and started making albums and touring with Ninja Tune Records in the UK.  Life has been quite a wonderful adventure since then.

  1. What is the composition of your band?


For The Storyville Mosquito Show, it is a string trio: cello, viola, violin, plus me on piano and turntables.

  1. Some of your other albums have been produced with a graphic novel. What is the relationship between music and art?


Music and visuals are both wonderful forms for storytelling. They are deeply connected in my brain. When I’m recording music, I’m always imagining some characters in a make-believe movie scene that requires music. When I’m drawing comic panels on the page, I’m always hearing music in my head to keep that mood or rhythm in the drawings.


I understand that you’ve worked with everyone who was anyone in the 90s and aughts, like the Gorillaz, the Beastie Boys, and Bjork. Who was the most exciting to work with?


I’ve been very lucky and somehow have been invited to tour with several of my musical heroes. I’ll never forget the Radiohead tour and performing at Madison Square Garden with them. They asked me to play turntables on one of their songs during their set. It was a crazy experience!


Tell us about The Storyville Mosquito.


It is a live film.  It’s created on stage from scratch at each performance.  It’s a story about a mosquito that moves to the big city to clarinet in a jazz band.  It’s kind of a universal story about finding your voice.  We are a team of 15 using 20 sets, 6 cameras, 70 puppets and a whole slew of musical instruments.  Everything is performed, filmed, and scored on stage in real time.  The results are projected on a screen above the stage but at any moment you can look down on the stage and see all of us running around creating each scene!

What’s your ultimate goal for the show? If all goes right, what happens?


This show is created for the joy of others. There are funny moments and emotional moments.  On the one hand it’s quite a technical and intricate choreography to perform each night, but the story is quite relatable to any generation. The ultimate goal is to make some joy happen in the theatre. To share some laughs and tears and be in each moment with the audience. That’s what live performance is all about!


Performances run from March 12-13. Learn more at

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