MAKTABA Summer Camp 2020

Virtual activities and workshops to engage children and young adults with the theme ‘Readers in the Jungle’ 

Special adult workshops to be broadcast in addition to extensive interactive youth programmes

The Department of Culture and Tourism – Abu Dhabi (DCT Abu Dhabi) has announced its 2020 Summer Camp programme for children and young adults, this year under the theme ‘Readers in the Jungle’, with a focus on animals that children are fond of.

This special summer programme will host a number of online workshops that include reading sessions, meeting favourite authors, a summer reading challenge and a magazine making competition. There will also be special ‘meet-ups’ for animal lovers, as well as further artistic and educational interactive broadcasts.

Executive Director of DCT Abu Dhabi’s Dar Al Kutub sector, HE Abdulla Majed Al Ali, said: “Over the past few months, children and young adults have particularly suffered due to the isolation and restrictions imposed by worldwide pandemic. It’s a pleasure for us to be able to ease this by bringing some fun back into learning, which is exactly what our MAKTABA Summer Camp has always been about. That we are now able to roll out this programme in the virtual space is an exciting development and we at DCT Abu Dhabi are eagerly looking forward to seeing youngsters and participants of all ages getting involved, as there really is something for everyone.”

MAKTABA’s Summer Camp will run from 1-31 July and will feature special workshops on drawing, writing and Arabic calligraphy for young adults, while adults can look forward to a programme that includes sessions covering topics such as entrepreneurship and photography. The programme will take place through a series of interactive workshops that will be broadcasted via Microsoft Teams, as well as a selection of prerecorded workshops to be broadcast via the MAKTABA social media channels.

The annual Summer Reading Challenge will be held over two months, starting 1 July and ending 31 August 2020, and requires those taking part to read 30 books. The Challenge is open to participants between the ages of 6 and 16 years old and digital books can be borrowed from the DCT Abu Dhabi digital library at

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