Mandatory facemask wearing dropped in certain situations

Exercising and pools included in announcement.

Facemasks are no longer mandatory in certain situations in the UAE it has been announced.  

Effective immediately, residents in the UAE do not have to wear a facemask when exercising in public places and while in private vehicles for those living in the same house.  



The decision taken by the Ministry of Health will also include those relaxing at the beach and those visiting open swimming pools. 

A social distance of two metres must be adhered to. 



For more news from the UAE, visit Yalla – Abu Dhabi Life  



Image source Canva, Pixaby

Matt Cassidy

When he is not hunting for the latest piece of Abu Dhabi news, Matt is ticking off his UAE bucket-list experiences (although he does love to take a break to test out the fine restaurants and bars of the capital). An armchair sports lover, he is on a personal mission to attend every sporting event in the UAE to make out for most likely missing the big one in Doha in November.