The government has advised members of the public to follow precautionary measures.
The National Emergency Crisis and Disaster Management Authority (NCEMA) has today announced that the validity of the green pass on the Al Hosn app.
Announced today (Monday 13 June), a green pass on the Al Hosn app with only be valid for 14 days from Wednesday 15 June.
The reasoning for the decrease in days has been put down to a recent rise in cases and as a precautionary and preventive measure.
#الطوارئ_والأزمات: إن التهاون والاستهتار في اتباع الإجراءات الاحترازية، والتقصير في الدور المجتمعي في المحافظة على الصحة العامة والمناعة المكتسبة، ينتج عنه ارتفاع في عدد الإصابات، وموجات جديدة من الفيروس.
#يدا_بيد_نتعافى— NCEMA UAE (@NCEMAUAE) June 13, 2022
Authorities emphasized the importance to continue to follow precautionary measures such as wearing masks in closed spaces.
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