Dubai schools to remain online for the next two days

Remote school in Dubai

Authorities have announced two more days of remote learning for Dubai schools

Rain, rain, go away…come again another day!

Different parts of the UAE were hit with varying degrees of severity by the volatile weather conditions but it seems as though Dubai has suffered the most with Government authorities announcing two more days of remote learning for Dubai schools on Thursday and Friday.

The country has been battling extreme weather conditions over the course of the last two days, leading to the most rainfall being recorded in over 75 years on Tuesday.

Videos appeared on social media in the last 24 hours of people floating on makeshift rafts, cars abandoned on the streets, nightlong traffic jams and severe flooding in many parts of the city.

Although the weather conditions have moderated somewhat today, there is still a lot of minor structural damage dotted throughout the city which has led the authorities to act in the best interest of the schools’ students.

Abu Dhabi, although not as badly hit, returned to relative normality again today and the schools are set to reopen to the public tomorrow.

Weather conditions are expected to normalise over the course of the next 24 hours so hopefully normal services will be resumed sooner rather than later.


For further information, visit AccuWeather

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Shane Reynolds