Mediclinic Abu Dhabi: Breast examination could help save your life

This health centre can provide guidance on this in its clinics and early detection is the best protection.



Breast health remains one of the most important areas of a woman’s well-being. Women can maintain healthy breasts by taking regular exercise, being breast aware and by maintaining a healthy weight.

Breasts can also change constantly, so it can be difficult to know what is normal.

Symptoms such as breast pain and harmless cysts are common in our 20s and 30s, but the risk of breast cancer increases as we get older.

Breast self-examination at home can help you to learn what is normal for you and Mediclinic can provide guidance in its clinics.

Breast cancer is the most common female cancer and early detection is the best protection.

Regular mammograms are advised every two years for women aged 40 and over, but women and men of any age with a breast symptom can attend the Breast Care Centre for a check-up.


Mediclinic Abu Dhabi: Breast Examination Could Help Save Your Life


This will involve a clinical examination by a qualified breast surgeon, who will arrange for breast imaging with mammograms and or ultrasound.

If further investigations are required, the team will talk to you about what is needed and explain why it is being recommended.

At the Breast Care Centre at Mediclinic Airport Road Hospital in Abu Dhabi, the centre offers a comprehensive assessment of your breast health.

The team of specialists are on hand of course   to discuss any concerns and answer any questions.

The team of female and male breast surgeons have specialist skills in the area of breast disease diagnosis and treatment, and offer consultations in Arabic and English.

Its female Radiology team is skilled in performing breast imaging, the centre’s Oncology doctors are available to discuss all options with you, and its breast care nurse is available to provide holistic support.

To book an appointment call 800 2000. For more information, visit the Breast Care Centre at Mediclinic Airport Road Hospital Abu Dhabi

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