COVID-19: Home quarantine period in the UAE now reduce to five days

You will still need to quarantine if you are COVID-19 positive.

The UAE authorities are rolling out sweeping changes in regards to COVID-19 protocols.

Already the wearing of masks has become optional in certain places and the Al Hosn Green Pass will from the 28 September be valid for 30 days, whereas previously it was 14 days.

Now UAE authorities have announced that the COVID- 19 home quarantine period has been reduced from 10 days previously to five days, starting from 28 September.



The losening of COVID-19 restrictions nationwide will also roll out from 28 September 2022.

Schools will not require teachers or pupils to wear face masks; only the person who tests positive for Covid-19 will be required to quarantine, not someone who has been in close contact with them; no social distancing is required in places of worship; the number of daily Covid cases will no longer be published by the government; people will be able to visit malls, supermarkets, hotels, bars and restaurants without being required to wear a mask.

For more news, visit Yalla – Abu Dhabi Life

Image source Canva

Derek Issacs

A Brit in the Middle East for 25 years and counting, Derek loves scouring the streets for those under-the-radar cultural gems. And when he’s not putting Yalla – Abu Dhabi magazine to bed, you’ll find him working out at the gym.