Rocking on to electric avenue in Abu Dhabi

Car is expected to be on roads from late 2023.

Leather seats that effuse a rich, earthy fragrance and are smooth to the touch; wheels that are accustomed to rolling down boulevards as if the tyres are floating above the ground; and an engine so quiet that if you were not in motion, you would think it was not even engaged; a ride in a Rolls-Royce is no ordinary kind of drive.

And now the world-famous automobile will be quietly saving the planet one mile at a time with the new all-electric model; Spectre; a fitting name for a vehicle that will look to make harmful emissions disappear.

It is estimated that one electric car saves some 1.5 million grams of carbon dioxide on the roads every year – the equivalent of four, two-hour flights and those numbers have persuaded one of the biggest petrol guzzling car producers to strive for an electric switchover.

“[Spectre] will elevate the global all-electric car revolution and create the first and finest super-luxury product of its type,” says CEO of Royce-Rolls Motor Group, Torsten Müller-Ötvös.

Scheduled to serenely hit the roads for the first time in Q4 of 2023, the model will travel some 2.5 million kilometres around the world in the testing phase – a simulation of more than 400 years of use – and will be underpinned by Rolls-Royce’s own spaceframe aluminium architecture.

But it is not the first time Royce-Rolls Motor Cars has toyed with the idea of introducing a car that champions the values of sustainability with founding father Charles Roll being said to be fascinated by the potential of cars fuelled by electricity rather than petrol.

He mused: “The electric car is perfectly noiseless and clean. There is no smell or vibration, and they should become very useful when fixed charging stations can be arranged.

“But for now, I do not anticipate that they will be very serviceable – at least for many years to come.”

In 2011, the 102EX a fully operational all-electric Phantom was produced for road testing with the 103EX in 2016 offering another glimpse of Rolls-Royce’s electric vision that will ultimately lead to all cars produced by the manufacturer being electric by 2030.

A deafening and electrifying message for sustainable car travel from the quietest of cars.


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Matt Cassidy

When he is not hunting for the latest piece of Abu Dhabi news, Matt is ticking off his UAE bucket-list experiences (although he does love to take a break to test out the fine restaurants and bars of the capital). An armchair sports lover, he is on a personal mission to attend every sporting event in the UAE to make out for most likely missing the big one in Doha in November.