Children’s House Montessori: The Little Explorers

CHM summer camp

Children’s House Montessori will be running a camp during the summer holidays.  Activities will include sensorial play, arts & crafts, water/splash play, cookings, zumba, African drumming and much more.

CAMP NAME:   The Little Explorers

DATES:  7 July – 29 August (closed 11 – 15 August)

TIMINGS:  7.45am – 1.45pm with the option to extend to 3pm or 5pm (Early Bird option from 7am – 7.45am)

AGE RANGE:  45 days to 6 years

COST: Discounts apply if you book before 25 June/full camp duration.

LOCATION: Khalifa City

To book, please email [email protected] or call 02 444 1150


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