Keeping it small in Abu Dhabi with these fresh microgreens

Local company Madar Farms is packing a lot of punch for its weight.

Promising to perk up mealtimes, Madar Farm’s vibrant, tasty, healthy microgreens are the latest arsenal in its battle to tackle food and water security challenges across the UAE, through using advanced AgTech.  

The Farm’s remit is admirable and promises to provide a continuous and predictable food supply, promote local food for local consumption, use natural resources responsibly and provide equal access to food for all. Its research and development facility is active in ‘field testing’, yet without a real field. 

It also has a robust and dynamic Education department, which involves school students of all ages in hands-on programmes, workshops and experiences that allows them to explore both the ‘how’ and ‘why’ of AgTech as it supports social economic and environmental sustainability.

Then there are the wide range of tasty and healthy products, all of which are grown safely indoors, free of pesticides and can even be consumed without washing first. One such product is the Farm’s microgreen range, with a wide variety, not only do they have a kick in terms of taste, the names are also beguiling. 

Bull’s Blood Beetroot, referring to the deep magenta veining that will add panache to any dish, or Pea Shoots that originate as a wild plant in the Mediterranean basin and whose aroma is oh so alluring not to mention the nutty, distinct and delicious flavour. There is also Purple Shisho that surrenders hints of clove and cumin, and micro kale, among others. 

The microgreens are already distributed to branded, well known supermarket chains, and supplied to the hospitality sector, such as hotels and restaurants around Abu Dhabi.  You can of course also order them online, delivered straight to your door, fresh from the farm itself.

Madar Farms takes a holistic approach to making sure the community knows about these health-giving and tasty greens. The Farm is active on its online platform, also reaching out to foodies to help spread the word, with people keen to learn about a new product. Microgreens also forms part of the Madar Farms’ sustainability curriculum for schools, where the message about food and water security is driven home.

There is no doubt about it that as well as tasting great, all of us want the food that is served to us to also look good, and in that respect Madar Farms’ Microgreens certainly score big!

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