5 MINUTES WITH: Bénédicte Dauby, the grade 5 Swiss International Scientific School teacher

Bénédicte has enjoyed the welcoming nature of Dubai and meeting lots of new people along the way

Since moving to Dubai last year and joining the Swiss International Scientific School, Bénédicte Dauby has really found her feet in the city.

She loves nothing more than chilling out on the many beaches and also taking hiking trips to the scenic mountains.

Join us and we spend 5 minutes with her!


Tell us a little bit of yourself


Hi! My name is Bénédicte Dauby, I am from Liège, like the waffles, which is in the French speaking part of Belgium. I have two children who went through the IB bilingual education and are now studying abroad.

I have been a teacher for the past 24 years, teaching in Louisiana, Princeton NJ, Belgium and Switzerland where I spent the last eight years of my life before moving to Dubai. I am currently teaching at the Swiss International Scientific School where I am the French teacher in a bilingual co-teaching grade five class.


How and when did you move here, and what inspired the move?


Last year, my partner had a job opportunity in his field of expertise, and it didn’t take us long to decide to go on a new and exciting adventure. I then joined him this summer to start on a new journey in this beautiful country and incredible city. A new social and professional chapter of my life has then started and has been ongoing since then.

I feel fortunate to be part of the Swiss International Scientific School family. This is an amazing school where students and teachers work together to make the best of the learning and life experience.


How has living in Dubai shaped your sense of belonging and community?


The first sense of belonging when you move abroad is via your job as it is where you spend most of your time. You meet new people with whom you share the same interests or passions. You also meet old friends that you had met in another chapter of your life and it’s great to reconnect with them. From there, you start building a strong social life with new, exciting people.


Can you tell us about a particular person in Dubai who has had a significant impact on your life and why?


Being in a new environment, new country, new culture, it’s important that you feel well surrounded and fulfilled in your daily life. I have a great chance to share my days with some extraordinary people that make it easier for me.

The very first person that makes a difference in my everyday life is my co-teacher, Sophie Durand, who is always in a good mood and brings the best out of every situation. Together, we are a great bilingual team, nurturing and uplifting our remarkable students. I also must mention Grace Lynch and Peter de Souza who are two incredible people and colleagues.

Thanks to those special people, my experience in Dubai and at SISD has been a smooth and happy one.

What is your favourite thing about the emirate and why?


Obviously, coming from Switzerland, I was first amazed by the never-ending life in the city and the never-ending possibilities. Then I got to explore more the natural beauties of this country and fell in love with the desert’s peacefulness and the splendid beaches. I am now looking forward to visiting and hiking in the mountains.


A myth about Dubai that you would like to bust


“Everyone is rich,” in Dubai, this is technically incorrect, but the thing is that Dubai is a place of opportunity that brings a load of people who come here to work at different levels. This gives people the possibility to increase their quality of life and then makes them richer in different ways.


Could you share a memorable moment when you felt the genuine warmth and hospitality of the Dubai community in your own life?


Being a teacher in the UAE requires you to be very adaptable, competent, and open to new ways of teaching and learning. To be thankful for our efforts, our school is often organising staff social events to give us the possibility to connect and relax with our colleagues. Those moments really bring us together and make you feel like you belong.


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Image credit Bénédicte Dauby

Shane Reynolds